Performance Testing

Performance testing is a big part of software development, it helps make sure that the final product can run smoothly without any errors and gives the user an easy experience. The main aspect of product testing is performance testing, which evaluates the speed and stability of the system. The point is to identify and address any performance bottlenecks that could give the user a bad experience. When dealing with performance testing it should always be used after functional testing, as soon as the basic function of the system is tested and verified. Performance testing involves testing a bunch of different parameters like processing speed and workload efficiency. By measuring the response time under different conditions developers should be able to find areas that need improvement and target system performance. So many companies should make sure to sort performance testing by doing diagnostics aid and software problem identification.  Diagnostics aid is when performance testing helps identify computing bottlenecks in the system and allows developers to use recourses to improve its performance. Software problem identification shows the areas where the application is failing and shows developers how to address the software performance issues. Performance testing plays a big role in evaluating the system’s performance, it helps provide ideas about what areas to work on to improve the performance.

I picked this topic because we have been working on testing in class a lot more recently and thought that this topic is a great choice to get a better understanding of performance testing as well as product testing. Performance testing helps developers address common problems and provide solutions to tackle these problems.  I learned that there are different ways to approach performance testing when doing it for example by analyzing the data I would want to share or use those results and retest it after making some small changes. This information has helped me look at system testing a little differently since we’re working on system testing in class but this new information will help me in the future to make sure that I focus on the system behavior and include the test in the development process to make sure that the system runs smoothly.

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